Saturday, 12 January 2013

Film 4: 21 Jump Street - 6/1/13


First let me start off by saying I hate remakes. I hate the fact that there is no originality in Hollywood anymore and only a small percentage of blockbusters that come out of hollywood are not remakes, reboots, re-imaginings, sequels, prequels or sidequels. So before I watched this film I wasn't expecting much. Another remake of an old 80's tv shows, and it stars Channing Tatum, the poster boy for blockbuster mediocrity from films like G.I. Joe: Rise Of The Cobra, The Vow and Dear John. But I was pleasantly surprised by this movie, and by Tatum who was pretty funny. I don't really need to state the obvious and say that Jonah Hill was hilarious as usual. The script was brilliant in this film and the part that first settled my nerves about it possibly being a good movie was when their boss played by Parks & Recs Nick Offerman informs them of their case:

"The people behind this lack creativity and they've run out of ideas, so what they do now is just recycle shit from the past and hope that nobody will notice."

The self deprecation commenting on the fact that they are rehashing an old tv show laughs at their own lack of originality. This self criticism made the movie a lot better and funnier and stopped the fact that it was a remake ruining it for me. The best form of self criticism was the cameo of Johnny Depp and Peter DeLuise the original cast of 21 Jump Street reprising their roles at the end of the film and got a few laughs out of me. Although I still think that remakes are completely unoriginal and pointless, this was one of he better remakes that has been made in the past decade of unoriginality and I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to this.

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